Permanent Faculty

Susanna Elm

Distinguished Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and History, Sidney H. Ehrman Professor of European History
3321 Dwinelle Hall

History of the later Roman Empire, East and West

Grace Erny

Assistant Professor of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
7212 Dwinelle Hall
Tuesdays, 2:00-4:00 PM or by appointment

Archaeology and history of Greece and the Aegean; inequality in the ancient world; archaeological survey and the rural Mediterranean; ceramic analysis; archaeological ethics and public archaeology

Giovanni R. F. (John) Ferrari

Melpomene Distinguished Professor of Classical Languages and Literature, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Head Graduate Advisor of AGRS
Spring 2024: W 1:00-2:30 p.m. on zoom, or by appointment. Please email me for zoom link.

Ancient Philosophy (especially Plato), Aesthetics

Todd Hickey

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Director of the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri
489 Bancroft Library
Spring 2025: Tuesdays, 3:00‒5:00, and by appointment.

Papyrology, Late Antiquity, cultural heritage ethics

Leslie Kurke

Gladys Rehard Wood Chair, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and Comparative Literature; Department Chair, AGRS
4331 Dwinelle
M 2-3 and by appointment

Greek literature and cultural history

Duncan MacRae

Associate Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies; Co-Director, Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion
Dwinelle 7213
Monday 2-4pm. Drop-in or make an appointment via email.

Roman history; ancient religions, including Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity

Maria Mavroudi

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and History

Byzantine studies

Trevor Murphy

Associate Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Undergraduate Advisor Fall 2021
7220 Dwinelle
Thurs. 1:30-3:30pm

Ellen Oliensis

Klio Distinguished Professor of Classical Languages and Literature, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and Comparative Literature
Dwinelle 7211
Tues. 3.30-5, and by appointment

Roman literature, esp. Augustan poetry

Nikolaos Papazarkadas

Nicholas C. Petris Professor of Greek Studies, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Director of the Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy
Monday 12-2 (or email me in advance and I will send you a Zoom link if you prefer)

Greek history and epigraphy (Athens and Attica, Boeotia, Cyclades, Peloponnese); Athenian archaeology and topography; history of scholarship.

James Porter

Irving Stone Chair in Literature, Distinguished Professor of Rhetoric and Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
354B Dwinelle
see the Rhetoric Department website for details

Literature and philosophy, critical theory, classicism and postclassicism

Dylan Sailor

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
7214 Dwinelle Hall
Spring 2024: T 2-4, and by appointment

Latin literature, ancient historiography

Kim Shelton

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies / Director, Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology
7209 Dwinelle and Zoom:
T 10-12 and by appointment

Classical Archaeology, with a focus on the prehistoric Aegean

Mario Telò

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies, Rhetoric, and Comparative Literature; participating member in the Critical Theory DE
Wednesday 11–12

Greek literature, ancient drama and its reception, critical theory

Professors of the Graduate School

Mark Griffith

Klio Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Classical Languages and Literature, Professor of Classics and of TDPS (Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies)
7215 Dwinelle
Wednesday 2-3pm, or by appointment (Fall 2024)

Greek literature and performance

Anthony Long

Chancellor's Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Classics and Irving G. Stone Professor Emeritus of Literature
7218 Dwinelle
Fall 2021 Tuesdays at 3.00

Greek and Roman Philosophy, Greek Literature

Donald J. Mastronarde

Melpomene Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Classical Languages and Literature
7219 Dwinelle Hall
(Fall 2024) MW 8:30-9 in 7219 Dwinelle; 9-9:30 in 308C Doe (AH/C)

For some biographical details and links to my CV and various projects, please visit my home page.

Kathleen McCarthy

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
7221 Dwinelle (Zoom meeting number 250-009-2791)
Tues 12-2

Roman poetry, especially comedy, lyric, and elegy

Affiliated Faculty

Yonatan Binyam

Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures

Ethiopic receptions of ancient Greek works; Race/Racism in antiquity 


Daniela Cammack

Political Science

Ancient Greek democracy; ancient Greek, Roman, and modern political ideas and practices

Andrew Garrett


Karuk and Yurok (languages of northern CA); early Indo-European languages, esp. Greek, Latin, and languages belonging to the Anatolian branch

Kinch Hoekstra

Political Science and Law

History of political, moral, and legal thought, especially ancient, renaissance, and early modern political philosophy

Emily Mackil

History, AHMA

Ancient Greek social, political, and economic history

Ramona Naddaff


Ancient Greek philosophy, rhetoric, and poetics

Carlos Norena

History, AHMA

Ancient Roman world, esp. political and cultural history c. 200 BCE–400 CE; historical geography of the Roman empire; comparative ancient empires.

Visiting Faculty and Lecturers

7307 Dwinelle Hall
Mon 4-6 and by appointment

Women and Social Identity in the Greek House, Domestic Archaeology and Greek Ceramics, Social Identity Formation, The Iconography of Women in the Domestic Space, Greek Sculpture and Vase Painting

Kristina Chew

7307 Dwinelle
Tuesday, 12noon - 1pm, Friday, 9.30 - 11am, & by appointment

translation, ancient Greek and Latin language pedagogy, disability in ancient Greece and Rome,  classical reception

Yasmin Syed


Latin literature, especially Augustan poetry; Roman religion; gender and ethnicity in the ancient world

Participating Emeriti

Christopher Hallett

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and Art History
Doe 418
WF 3-4, and by appointment

Roman sculpture, Aphrodisias excavations, Roman Egypt

J. Theodore Peña

Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
Tuesday 1:30-2:30 PM (in office and via Zoom [personal meeting id 520 954 5250]); Wednesday 9:00-10:00 AM (Zoom only); and by appointment.

Roman archaeology; Roman Italy; material culture; ceramics; Pompeii.