Ellen Oliensis
Klio Distinguished Professor of Classical Languages and Literature, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and Comparative Literature
Research Areas
Roman literature (especially Ovid), translation, literary form, psychoanalysis
B.A. Literature 1981 Yale University
Ph.D. Comparative Literature 1991 Harvard University
Loving Writing/Ovid's Amores (Cambridge 2019)
Freud's Rome: Psychoanalysis and Latin Poetry (Cambridge 2009)
Horace and the Rhetoric of Authority (Cambridge 1998)
Recent articles
"The misadventures of Latona in Ovid, Metamorphoses 6," AJP 144 (2023) 449-71
"Why is Arachne a spider? (Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.129-45)," Dictynna 20 (2023) np
"Staging the past in Plautus' Menaechmi," MD 89 (2022) 35-66