Profile picture for user Ellen Oliensis

Ellen Oliensis

Klio Distinguished Professor of Classical Languages and Literature, Professor of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies and Comparative Literature
Dwinelle 7211
Tues. 3.30-5, and by appointment
EO web cv.pdf (81 KB)

Research Areas

Roman literature (especially Ovid), translation, literary form, psychoanalysis


B.A. Literature 1981 Yale University
Ph.D. Comparative Literature 1991 Harvard University



Loving Writing/Ovid's Amores (Cambridge 2019)
Freud's Rome: Psychoanalysis and Latin Poetry (Cambridge 2009)
Horace and the Rhetoric of Authority (Cambridge 1998)

Recent articles

"The misadventures of Latona in Ovid, Metamorphoses 6," AJP 144 (2023) 449-71
"Why is Arachne a spider? (Ovid, Metamorphoses 6.129-45)," Dictynna 20 (2023) np
"Staging the past in Plautus' Menaechmi," MD 89 (2022) 35-66
