Resources for Graduate Students
Much useful information about graduate student matters (e.g., how to apply for an independent study, in absentia registration, etc.) is available here.
The Aleshire Center funds travel related to the study of Greek epigraphy. Applications for travel grants are accepted on a rolling basis and should be sent to the Director of the Aleshire Center. The Center also funds a dissertation fellowship, for students in the final year of writing a dissertation on a topic related to Greek epigraphy, and a fellowship to be used in residence at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens to pursue dissertation research on an epigraphic topic. Applications for these two fellowships are normally due on or around February 1. Prospective applicants should consult with the Director of the Center.
The Center for the Tebtunis Papyri has funds to support graduate student travel related to the study of papyrology, including travel to conferences, excavations, and collections of papyri. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but should be submitted no less than six weeks before the planned departure date. Applications and queries should be sent to the Director of the CTP.
The Heller Fund supports travel to conferences and overseas. The guidelines are here; the application form is here.
Graduate Division has funds to support travel to conferences.
The Graduate Division has many resources to help graduate students prepare for the academic and non-academic job market. Two good places to start are GradPro and Getting Mentoring. Two other useful sites are The Versatile PhD (to which Berkeley subscribes) and Connected Academics (open access).
The Graduate Division partners with campus departments to sponsor and support innovative Mentoring Programs for graduate and undergraduate students, raising awareness of the key importance of mentoring by acknowledging and awarding best practices in mentoring by and for graduate students and faculty.
The Graduate Student Professional Development Guide, created especially for Berkeley graduate students, describes concrete steps you can take to develop your skills in six core competencies.
The Townsend Center sponsors several types of Graduate Student Workshops throughout the year on topics such as public speaking, publishing advice, and preparation for life and work after the PhD.
The GSI Teaching and Resource Center runs the Summer Institute for Preparing Future Faculty (intended for students already advanced to doctoral candidacy). Admission to the program is competitive and the deadline is usually in mid-March.
The Graduate Writing Center assists graduate students in the development of academic skills necessary to successfully complete their graduate programs and prepare for future faculty and professional positions. This unit offers workshops on topics such as academic writing, grant writing, dissertation writing, editing, and preparing articles for publication, in addition to writing groups and individual consultations on these topics for graduate students.
Resources During COVID: information from PATH to Care about how to get support and help during the pandemic.
Bright Horizons: from September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, students with dependents are eligible for 120 hours of subsidized back-up care from Bright Horizons if their child’s school is closed, or their regular caregiver is not available. Students must verify their eligibility before registering with Bright Horizons.
The Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) provides information and support for all UC Berkeley community members.
Basic Needs provides economic, food and housing justice for all UC Berkeley community members, as well as accessible and equitable programming and resources.
- From September 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, students with dependents are eligible for 120 hours of subsidized back-up care from
The Student Technology Equity Program (STEP) provides equipment for students in need of hardware or internet access, access to free software, and technical training for the entire campus.
Support for Student Parents includes information on programs and services supporting graduate students with parenting responsibilities.
UC Berkeley students can use the Tang Center's medical services just as they would their regular doctor's office and urgent care center.
The Ombuds Office offers confidential conflict resolution for graduate students. The Ombuds office provides unbiased feedback and can refer students to appropriate campus services.
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination is responsible for ensuring the University provides an environment for faculty, staff, and students that is free from discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.
The PATH to Care Center provides affirming, empowering, and confidential support for survivors and those who have experienced gendered violence, including: sexual harassment, dating and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual exploitation. Confidential advocates bring a non-judgmental, caring approach to exploring all options, rights, and resources.
Therapy Assist Online is an online library of interactive programs to help students learn life skills and tools to manage challenges such as stress and anxiety, imposter syndrome, and grief.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short term counseling for academic, career, and personal issues and also offers psychiatry services for circumstances when medication can help with counseling.
The Advice Nurse is available if you have a medical question, need home-care advice or are unsure about which services are best for you.