Anthony Long
Chancellor's Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Classics and Irving G. Stone Professor Emeritus of Literature
Research Areas
Greek and Roman Philosophy, Greek Literature
Courses taught in 2016-17 (for Department of Philosophy): Plato (upper division lectures on Republic and Theaetetus); Hellenistic Ethics (graduate seminar). In 2017-18 (for Classics): Lucretius, freshman seminar. In 2018-19 (for Philosophy): Hellenistic Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind (graduate seminar). In 2019 (for Classics) with Sara Magrin: Early Greek philosophical poetry and prose. In 2021 (for AGRS) Freshman Seminar on Roman Stoicism. In 2022 (for Dept. of Rhetoric) Roman Stoicism and Ecology, with James Porter
Recent activities: Keeling Lecture in Ancient Philosophy, University College London, 2017; Michael Frede Memorial Lecture, British School at Athens, 2017. Keynote Lectures in 2018: for Life of Breath Conference, University of Durham, and for Stoicon, University of London Senate House. UTube lectures: Socrates and Epictetus, for Stoa Nova; Stoicism Ancient and Modern, for Stoicon 2018; and Stoicism and Catastrophe for Ancient Wisdom.
Latest books: Epictetus.How to be Free; An Ancient Guide to the Stoic Life (Princeton University Press, 2018), transl. into Greek, German, Spanish, Arabic, Serbian, Indonesian, Korean, Japanese; Fifty Letters of a Roman Stoic, with Margaret Graver (Chicago University Press, 2021), transl. into Vietnamese; Plotinus, On Matter, Ennead II.4 (Parmenides Publishing, 2022). Forthcoming Selfhood and Rationality in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Heraclitus to Plotinus (Oxford University Press).
Books under contract: Plotinus, Ennead III.1 On Fate (Parmenides Publishing); and How to think like Plato: An Ancient Guide to the Life of the Mind (Princeton University Press).
Recent articles: "Poets as Philosophers and Philosophers as Poets: Parmenides, Plato, Lucretius.Wordsworth". in W. Wians, ed. "Logoi and Muthoi: Further Essays in Greek Philosophy and Literature" (SUNY Press, Albany, 2019", 319-34; "Introduction", in J. Miller, ed. Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. Diogenes Laertius. Compact edition (Οxford University Press, Oxford, 2020), xv-xxiv; "Politics and Theology in Plato’s Republic: the Form of the Good", in F. Leigh, ed. Themes in Plato, Aristotle and Hellenistic Philosophy. (BICS Suppl. 141, London, 2020), 63-82; "Epicureanism and Utilitarianism", in P. Mitsis, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Epicurus and Epicureanism (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020), 742-60; "Natural Catastrophe in Ancient Greek and Roman Thought", in U.Coope and B. Sattler, eds., Ancient Ethics and the Natural World (Oxford University Press, 2021), 49-68; "Pneumatic Episodes from Homer to Galen in D.Fuller, C.Saunders, J. Macnaughton, eds., The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine, Classical to Contemporary (Palgrave Macmillan), 2021), 37-54.