Educational Technology Services (ETS)provides workshops and assistance on using instructional technology in teaching, including classroom equipment and bCourses.
The UC Berkeley Library offers services in support of teaching and can assist GSIs and their students in developing successful library research assignments and in conducting library research.
The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP)documents the academic accommodations needed by individual students who have disabilities. DSP provides this documentation to students’ instructors and gives guidance on how to implement accommodations.
The Athletic Study Center helps administer exam proctoring if conflicts arise between the exam schedule for a course and the travel schedules of student athletes.
The Student Learning Center has tutoring programs for students and can help students identify ways to improve their writing and strengthen their study skills.
Department Faculty Advisers for GSI Affairs are faculty members appointed in each department to help ensure that GSIs receive appropriate preparation, mentoring, and supervision. They can also assist with problems not resolved between GSIs and the faculty members with whom they teach.
The Center for Student Conductcan answer questions about responding to possible cases of cheating, plagiarism, classroom disruption, and other forms of academic misconduct.