Studying the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds at Berkeley

The department teaches and studies the languages, cultures, histories, philosophies, literatures, art, and material culture of the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. It is home to exciting and welcoming undergraduate major programs and maintains a rich and varied schedule of undergraduate courses, including a full curriculum of ancient Greek and Latin language instruction. Its PhD programs in Classics and Classical Archaeology are enriched every year by the arrival of new future leaders in the study of the ancient world, and for generations their graduates have gone on to renew or remake their fields. Itself a teeming center of intellectual vitality on campus, the department is affiliated with internationally important research units directed by its faculty, including the Center for the Tebtunis Papyri, the Sara B. Aleshire Center for Greek Epigraphy, and the Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology. The department organizes many events of interest and hosts many visits, most notably the storied annual Jane K. Sather Professorship of Classical Literature.

Featured Courses

Fall 2024
G. R. F. (John) Ferrari & Trevor Murphy

Themes from the literature & culture of ancient Greece, the Hebrew Bible, ancient Rome, and early Christianity significant for Western Civilization's development. 5 units. Fulfills R&C A or B + one L&S Breadth.

Fall 2024
Leslie Kurke

This course will study sexuality and gender in two very different historical periods--ancient Greece and 19th-century Europe.





The Department has been authorized to search for a scholar of Latin Literature or Roman Archaeology at the level of assistant or associate professor. For full details and to apply, please follow this link.

The campus news has posted an interesting and informative item, featuring Kim Shelton, about the Nemea Center and the site at Nemea in relation to the upcoming 2024 Olympics and the Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games.

The Department is delighted to announce that Kim Shelton has just been promoted to Full Professor.  Our congratulations to Professor Shelton!


A conference sponsored by the Department of Rhetoric and the Center for Interdisciplinary Critical Enquiry
The Sara B. Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy is pleased to announce that the 2024 Aleshire Epigraphy Seminar will be given on September 16, 2024 by Professor Mustafa Adak.
Lecture by Prof. Yelena Baraz (Princeton).

Nemea 100: From Blegen to Berkeley and Beyond

flyer advertising Nemea 100 conference