General Inquiries
Email: dagrs@berkeley.edu
Phone: 510-642-3480
Help with Enrollment Issues
Email: dagrs@berkeley.edu
Mailing Address
University of California
Department of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies
3413 Dwinelle Hall #2520
Berkeley CA 94720-2520, USA
For Prospective and Current Undergraduates
Faculty Undergraduate Advisors, Fall 2024:
- Professor Trevor Murphy: tmmmurphy@berkeley.edu
- Professor John Ferrari: gferrari@berkeley.edu
Staff Undergraduate Advisor: Cassandra Dunn: cassandrajj@berkeley.edu
For Prospective and Current Graduate Students
The graduate programs are the responsibility of the Head Graduate Advisor and the Department Chair. There is also a separate Graduate Advisor for Classical Archaeology, although the Head Graduate Advisor's signature may be required on some petitions and forms. Please consult one of the following as appropriate:
- Department Chair: Professor Leslie Kurke: kurke@berkeley.edu
- Head Graduate Advisor: Professor John Ferrari: gferrari@berkeley.edu
- Graduate Advisor for Classical Archaeology: Professor Kim Shelton: sheltonk@berkeley.edu
- Staff Graduate Advisor: Kristen McLeod: kristenmcleod@berkeley.edu