Because our community offers excellent education and support.
Our majors voted our department #1 on campus in many categories in the latest UC Undergraduate Experience Survey. Our majors gave the department Berkeley-wide highest scores for:
- overall academic experience
- overall social experience
- quality of faculty instruction
- access to faculty outside of class
- department staff advising
- sense of belonging at UCB
For the thrill of exploring ancient Greek and Roman culture.
We offer a wide array of classes in philosophy, archaeology, history, religion, and literature, as well as a full curriculum in ancient Greek and Latin. If you major in our department, you will have a lot of freedom to design your own program, focusing on the areas that interest you most.
Students in AGRS enjoy all the benefits of a premier research institution—access to world-class scholars and collections and a variety of exciting research opportunities—in the "homey" environment of a small and friendly department. Our faculty teach the entire range of the curriculum, from larger lecture classes such as "Introduction to Ancient Greece" to small upper-division classes such as "The History of Hell."
To prepare yourself for professional opportunities.
AGRS majors acquire the skills and develop the discipline to succeed in many different fields, e.g. business, law, tech, and education. Recent alums include a preschool teacher, a civil engineer, a manager at Gilt, an investment associate at a hedge fund, a high school librarian, a senior research analyst at the Nielson Company, a curatorial assistant at a major collection, and a manager of administration for an NHL team!