Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
Ancient Greek & Roman Studies is an interdisciplinary "area studies" major. It provides students with the opportunity to explore the rich diversity of Greek and Roman antiquity in depth, in company with a relatively small cohort of undergraduates. While language study is an option, the major may be completed entirely in English. This major serves as excellent preparation for many different careers as well as for graduate study in fields such as Anthropology, Archaeology, History, and Art History.
NOTE: The requirements below apply to students declaring the major as of fall 2020. Students who declared before then can choose between these and the former requirements (available here).
- Two of the following [8 units]:
AGRS 10A or AGRS 17A
AGRS 10B or AGRS 17B
- One additional lower-division AGRS course (choice open) [4 units]
- Five upper-division courses in AGRS (including upper-division Greek and Latin) or a closely related field; at least three of these must be taken within the department. One of these five may be replaced by lower-division language study: Greek 1 + 2 or Latin 1 + 2 or Greek 15 or Latin 15. [20 units; 24-30 units if taking language study option]
- One course from the AGRS 130 series [4 units]
- One course (lower- or upper-division) in a premodern culture other than Greco-Roman [4 units]