Resources for Undergraduates
Department events, groups, happenings: stay connected by adding yourself to the Classics Undergraduate E-list. The undergraduate-organized Classical Forum is another great way to connect.
For information on Study Abroad (including prizes to support study abroad), look here.
If you have studied Latin before coming to Berkeley and are not sure which of our classes would work best for you, you can sign up online for our Latin advisory diagnostic quiz. This quiz is not formal and cannot be used to meet language requirements at Berkeley or any other institution. It's strictly for receiving a recommendation for the best courses to begin taking Latin at UCB.
For information about resources available from the College of Letters and Sciences, please visit the L&S Advising website.
Campus-wide undergraduate opportunities are listed via the Office of Undergraduate Research & Scholarships site. The Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program offers a number of opportunities to work closely with AGRS faculty on research projects.
AGRS students are often contenders for The Library Prize for Undergraduate Research (deadline every April). They also edit the Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics, an online publication hosted at the eScholarship Repository.
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth: Be an instructional assistant in this exciting summer program for academically talented pre-collegiate students.
Teach Latin! National Latin Teacher Recruitment Week occurs each March.
For those considering a career in Classics, or just interested in what is going on in the field, the Society for Classical Studies (the national organization for Classics) is an important hub.
Resources During COVID: information from PATH to Care about how to get support and help during the pandemic.
The Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq) provides information and support for all UC Berkeley community members.
Basic Needs provides economic, food and housing justice for all UC Berkeley community members, as well as accessible and equitable programming and resources,
The Student Technology Equity Program (STEP) provides equipment for students in need of hardware or internet access, access to free software, and technical training for the entire campus.
The Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence (CE3) ensure non-traditional students excel at the top public University in the world. By respecting every undergraduate as a unique individual, CE3 programs empower UC Berkeley students to achieve and lead.
The Ombuds Office offers confidential conflict resolution for undergraduates. The office provides unbiased feedback and can refer students to appropriate campus services.
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination is responsible for ensuring the University provides an environment for faculty, staff, and students that is free from discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.
The PATH to Care Center provides affirming, empowering, and confidential support for survivors and those who have experienced gendered violence, including: sexual harassment, dating and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual exploitation. Confidential advocates bring a non-judgmental, caring approach to exploring all options, rights, and resources.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short term counseling for academic, career, and personal issues and also offers psychiatry services for circumstances when medication can help with counseling.
The Advice Nurse is available if you have a medical question, need home-care advice or are unsure about which services are best for you.