MA Program
The Master of Arts degree in Classics, a Plan II degree (24 units and a comprehensive examination), is taken with either Greek or Latin emphasis. Students are admitted for the M.A. only as a step toward the Ph.D.
1. Unit and Course Requirements
24 units distributed as follows:
1.1. (4 units) either the Proseminar (Classics 200) or Approaches to Literature (Classics 203). Exemption from this requirement may be authorized by the Graduate Advisor (GA) only when a student has taken a course equivalent to either Classics 200 or Classics 203 elsewhere. If exemption is granted, then 4 additional units are required under 1.2 or 1.3.
1.2. (4 units) a seminar in the Classics Department, in a Greek subject for the Greek emphasis or in a Latin subject for the Latin emphasis.
1.3. (4 units) an additional seminar in Classics or a closely-related field.
1.4. 12 units in upper division courses in Greek, Latin, or closely-related fields or in graduate courses in Classics or in closely-related fields.
1.5. DEFINITION: “Graduate course” includes all courses numbered in the 200-series; “seminar” includes graduate courses other than those numbered 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 250, 260, 298, 299. Courses in the 300-series do not count as “graduate courses” or “seminars” for the purposes of these requirements.
1.6. Students should note that Classics 200 and Classics 203 are both required for the Ph.D. (see Ph.D. regulations 7.2.2), and it is recommended that these courses be taken as early in one’s graduate career as possible.
2. Demonstration of Competence in Specific Disciplines
2.1. Translation, literature, and history:
2.1.1. EITHER for the Greek emphasis:
a. Greek translation: 3-hour exam.
b. Greek literature: 2-hour exam.
c. Greek history: 3-hour exam.
2.1.2. OR for the Latin emphasis:
a. Latin translation: 3-hour exam.
b. Latin literature: 2-hour exam.
c. Roman history: 3-hour exam.
2.1.3. The comprehensive examination consists of the set of exams in translation, literature, and history. In the interest of rapid progress through the program, students may take individual exams as soon as they feel ready to do so. In the event that any of the exams are failed only the failed exams have to be retaken.
2.1.4. At the beginning of the semester in which the student intends to complete the last of these exams (or equivalent coursework), the student must notify the GA of impending completion of M.A. requirements; the GA will then notify Graduate Division of the student’s advancement to candidacy for the M.A.
2.1.5. Substitution of coursework for the history exam: Any student may satisfy the M.A. requirement in history by taking History 105a or 105b (for the Greek emphasis), or History 106a or 106b (for the Latin emphasis), with the following conditions: the student must 1) take the final exam and 2) receive a course grade of at least A-.
2.2 German or French or Italian: One-hour-fifteen-minute exam to test reading ability: for French or Italian, a passage of 500 words with the use of a dictionary or of 300 words without a dictionary; for German, a passage of 400 words with the use of a dictionary or of 240 words without a dictionary. This exam must be attempted by the end of the third semester in the M.A. program and if not passed at that time must be repeated in every subsequent semester until passed. (It is strongly recommended that students who enter the program without knowledge of any of the three languages attempt to achieve competency in German first.) NOTE: These examinations are set and judged by the Ph.D. Committee.
3. Timing and Review
3.1. The M.A. requirements in coursework and exams should normally be fulfilled by the end of the second year (four semesters). Failure to complete the M.A. by the end of the third year will be considered evidence of inadequate progress and is likely to lead to academic probation or denial of permission to proceed to the Ph.D.
3.2. Reviews. Provisions for review of students at regular intervals during their M.A. program are described in the section “Advising and Reviews” (17 below).
4. Advising
Each student receives guidance from the Graduate Advisor and also from a Personal Advisor; see Advising and Reviews.
5. Advancement to the Ph.D.
Admission to the M.A. program does not guarantee advancement to the Ph.D. program (see Ph.D. regulations 6.3 and 17.3 below). A student who earns an M.A. with Greek or Latin emphasis cannot be advanced to the Ph.D. program unless competence has been demonstrated in the non-emphasized language at least equivalent to that required to complete the undergraduate major in Classical Languages. The student has the right to demonstrate such competence by taking an exam (e.g. the M.A. translation exam in the non-emphasized language).