Goodwin Award
- Ellen Oliensis, 2021, for Loving Writing/Ovid's Amores
- James I. Porter, 2017, for The Sublime in Antiquity
- Susanna Elm, 2013, for Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church
- Leslie Kurke, 2012, for Aesopic Conversations
- Kathleen McCarthy, 2002, for Slaves, Masters, and the Art of Authority in Plautine Comedy
- Donald J. Mastronarde, 1999, for Euripides: Phoenissae
MacArthur Foundation Award
- Maria Mavroudi (2004)
- Leslie Kurke (1999)
An award of a certificate and a cash prize to a graduating major with a highly distinguished record in work in the major. This award is part of a campus-wide program, but the selection is made annually by the Department.
- 2024 Eleanor Zhang
- 2023 Jordan Murphy
- 2022 Phee Marcial
- 2021 Cat Chun
- 2020 Katharine Kuchinski
- 2019 Yinqi Gu
- 2018 Anjali Suresh
- 2017 Sierra Schiano
- 2016 Cecily Manson
- 2015 Meredith Tucker Millar
- 2014 Madeline Tien
- 2013 Jeremy Alexander Simmons
- 2012 Brittany Lauber
- 2011 Steven Broderick
- 2010 Tovah Keynton
- 2009 David Ambrose Doss
- 2008 Clara Bosak-Schroeder
- 2007 Elizabeth Anne Judge
- 2006 Thomas C. Chow
- 2005 Elliott Wainwright
- 2004 Estelle Hofschneider
- 2003 Boris Rodin
- 2002 Keelan Evans
- 2001 Caroline Stewart
- 2000 Leah Gabriana
- 1999 Kenneth Jones
- 1998 Betty Shen
- 1996 Joshua Dylan Kronen
- 1995 John Michael Anderson
- 1994 Genevieve Simandl Gessert
- 1993 Colin Anthony Ganio
- 1992 Noah Cohen
- 1991 Jody Chimene Bateman
- 1990 James Robert Valera
- 1989 Suzanne Elizabeth Kauffman
- 1988 Elizabeth Blaine Dickey
- 1987 Merri Frances Pittman
- 1986 Laura Kathleen Gibbs
- 1985 Thomas Francis Garrity
- 1984 Mark Elliot Landon
- 1983 Roger Charles Ceragioli
- 1982 Paul Brian Archer
- 1981 Karla Marie Schutz
- 1980 Anne Stewart
- 1979 Victoria Hagen Stafford
- 1978 Sally Ann LaRue
- 1977 Caroline Weiss
- 1977 Jacquelin Friedlander
- 1976 Hayden Newhall Pelliccia
- 1975 Joan Barbara Burton
- 1974 Garth Edward Tissol
- 1973 Ruth Sydney Scodel
- 1972 Daniel Charles Elliott
- 1971 Michael Leo Weber
- 1970 Andrew Meade Miller
- 1968 Richard Augustus Weston
- 1967 Roland George Mayer III
- 1966 Richard Duncan McKirahan, Jr.
- 1965 William F. Hansen, Jr.
- 1963 Barry Powell
- 1962 Rudolph Wolfram Saenger
- 1961 Walter Ralph Johnson
- 1960 Clem Edwards
- 1959 Silvio L. Skefich
- 1959 Jene A. LaRue
- 1959 Erling B. Holtsmark
- 1958 Robert Donald Connor
- 1958 Nancy Rassell Zumwalt
- 1957 Gregor J. Balough
- 1956 John Anson
An award of a certificate and a cash prize to a graduating major with a highly distinguished record in work in the major.
- 2024 Roxana Wang
- 2023 Ziyue Wang and Shannon White
- 2022 Aster Guan and Anuroop Nirula
- 2021 Mallory Gong
- 2020 Audrey Salo
- 2019 Athena Schlereth
- 2018 Amanda Dobrov and Jacqueline Horwitz
- 2017 Olivia Marie Graves and Nathaniel Fleury Solley
- 2016 Marvin E. Morris and Antara Thirumale Rao
- 2015 Lauren Marie Sanders
- 2014 Taylor Pincin
- 2013 Erin Lam
- 2012 Samantha Alford
- 2011 Kelsie Chizue Toy
- 2010 Alexander Ladenheim
- 2009 Kurtis Takeshi Tanaka
- 2008 Lia Eliades and Amy Pistone
- 2007 Stephanie Pearson
- 2006 Melissa L. McAdam
- 2005 Molly Evangeline Allen
- 2004 Hunter Blanks
- 2003 Vasilios Spyridakis
- 2002 Queena Hu
Award funded by donations to the Chair's Annual Fund appeal, to one or more graduating students who have made exceptional contributions to the Classics community (established 2020).
- 2023 Sofia Abolfathi
- 2022 Owen Sheard
- 2021 Candace Wang
- 2020 Anna Tessa Rodriguez
Award funded by donations to the Chair's Annual Fund appeal to one or more graduating students who have done outstanding work in the major and are planning to continue their studies in any academic field at the graduate level; awarded whenever a qualifying candidate is recommended by the Undergraduate Advisers and approved by the Department.
- 2024 Hrachya Kasabyan and Casey Stanford
- 2023 Henry Nicholson and William Sieving
- 2022 Katherine de Lange
- 2021 Mohan Wang
- 2020 Alexander Reed
- 2019 Marta Fatica
- 2018 no award
- 2017 Ryan L. Culpeper, Hannah Lee, Lila Jeanne Murphy
- 2016 Karen MacLaughlin
- 2015 Patrick Gromer Smith
- 2014 Anna Trejo
- 2013 Emily Jean Booker, Anna E. Simas, Alice Yeh
- 2012 Aryndel Lamb-Marsh
- 2011 Nicole Elyse Budrovich, Philippe Tomas Lévy
- 2010 Glory Maria Liu
- 2008 Clara Bosak-Schroeder, Steven Gonzalez, Sara Laughtin, Leslie Lemire, Lindsey Mazurek, Amy Pistone, Stephen Shull
- 2007 Courtney Nguyen
- 2006 Patrick M. Crowley, Atticus Honoré
- 2002 Julia Shapiro
- (records of earlier winners not available)
Endowed by Marianne McDonald to encourage mastery of Greek at a high level, renamed in 2007 to honor Thomas G. Rosenmeyer (1920-2007), distinguished professor of Classics and Comparative Literature, a prize of at least $500 for the best translation into classical Greek of a passage of English selected by the judge.
- 2021 Joshua Benjamins
- 2019 Daniel Squire
- 2018 Daniel Squire
- 2017 Daniel Squire
- 2016 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2015 (first) Thomas Recht, (second) Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2014 (co-winners) Thomas Recht and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2013 (co-winners) Thomas Recht and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2013 (co-winners) Thomas Recht and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2012 (first prize) Thomas Recht; (second prize) Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2011 Thomas Recht and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2010 Thomas Recht
- 2009 Boris Rodin Maslov; (honorable mention) Joel M. Street
- 2008 Nandini Pandey
- 2007 Boris Rodin Maslov
- 2006 Boris Rodin Maslov
- 2005 Boris P. Rodin
- 2004 William Michael Short
- 2003 Jon Christopher Geissmann
- 2002 William H. Shearin
- 2001 Dylan Sailor
- 2000 Dylan Sailor
- 1999 Dylan Sailor
- 1998 Dylan Sailor
- 1997 Dylan Sailor
- 1996 Chris Geissmann
Established by the will of Professor George M. Richardson, who died in 1896, a prize of at least $500 for the best translation into classical Latin of a passage of English selected by the judge. Administered by the Academic Senate Committee on Prizes through the Financial Aid Office; see Student Prizes and Honors for rules.
- 2021 Joshua Benjamins
- 2019 Daniel Squire
- 2018 Daniel Squire
- 2017 Daniel Squire
- 2016 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2015 (first) Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, (second) Thomas Recht
- 2014 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2013 (co-winners) Jared Hudson and Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2012 Michael Zellmann-Rohrer
- 2011 Jared Hudson; (2nd prize) Thomas Hendrickson
- 2010 Jared Hudson
- 2009 Jared Hudson; (2nd prize) Antonia Pham Young
- 2008 Jared Hudson and Boris Rodin Maslov
- 2007 Jared Hudson
- 2006 Wilson Shearin; (2nd prize) Kurt Lampe
- 2005 Kurt Lampe
- 2004 William Michael Short
- 2003 William Michael Short
- 2002 Chris Geissman
- 2001 Dylan Sailor
- 2000 Dylan Sailor (2nd Prize: Amir Baghdadchi)
- 1999 Dylan Sailor
- 1998 Dylan Sailor
- 1997 Chris Geissmann (Honorable Mention: Rali Konstantinova)
- 1996 Chris Geissmann
- 1995 David Chamberlain
- 1994 Yasmin Syed
- 1993 John Rundin
- 1991 Gretchen Schils
- 1990 Shadi Bartsch
- 1988 Anthony Corbeill
- 1985 Dennis L. Andersen
- 1984 Stephan W. Gruen
- 1983 Stephan W. Gruen
- 1982 James Joseph Clauss, Garth Edward Tissol
- 1980 Susan Margaret Seward
- 1979 Susan Margaret Seward
- 1978 Brian Philip Champlin
- 1976 William Wendell Batstone
- 1975 Stephan Alfred Berard
- 1974 Stephan Alfred Berard
- 1973 Richard V. Hughes
- 1972 Teresa Carpenter Carp, Blake Michael Goodall
- 1971 Colin R. Maneely
- 1970 Teresa Carpenter Carp, Colin R. Maneely
- 1969 Donald Lee Malone
- 1968 Kenneth Robert Audroue, Douglas Neal Lacey
- 1965 Jeffrey Edward Walter
- 1962 David Nicholas Milton
- 1960 Glenn Edwards
- (records for winners before 1960 not available)
Named in honor of Professor W. Kendrick Pritchett, a distinguished scholar and a devoted teacher of Greek, upon his retirement, a monetary prize to the enrolled student who performs best in the first year of Greek (sometimes awarded to co-winners). Awarded annually since 1977 and administered by the Department. Each May, the instructors of Greek 2 and (when offered) 10 meet after final exams to discuss the best students in each class; in consultation with the Department Chair or a delegate of the Chair, one or two winners are selected.
- 2021 Jordan Murphy, Ethan Rodriguez
- 2020 Bernardo S. Hinojosa, Benjamin Woollard
- 2019 no prize was awarded
- 2018 Wesley Boyko, Katharine Kuchinski, Donald Zukin
- 2015 Charles Bayne Friesen, Juliann Rowe
- 2014 Ryan Fletcher, Nicholas Gooding
- 2013 Troy Zweifler, Danielle Bennett
- 2012 Pascal A. Matheis, Joseph C. Moore
- 2011 Jonathan Sterling; (honorable mention) Patrick S. Lee
- 2010 Brittany Lauber, Jeremy Simmons
- 2009 Jenny Lin, Daniel Lam
- 2008 Alexander Ladenheim, Christopher James Stephens
- 2007 Lia Eliades
- 2006 Carson Baucher, Courtney Nguyen
- 2005 Alejandro Lombardia
- 2004 Rachel Hindman, Elizabeth Judge
- 2003 Vaheh Shirvanian
- 2002 Amanda Garrett
- 2001 Samuel A. Williams
- 2000 Boris Rodin
- 1999 Keelan M. Evans (Honorable Mentions to Shoshana Jacobson and Joshua Nelson)
- 1998 Paul Fullmer
- 1997 Kenneth Raymond Jones
- 1996 Christina Hsu
- 1995 Jason Fernando Halaby
- 1994 Mary Grace Gallardo
- 1993 David Michael Stabile
- 1992 Adam Joaquim Leite
- 1991 Annie Kathleen Sides
- 1990 Judson Wright Sagers
- 1989 Jody Chimene Bateman
- 1988 Norman Jeff Anderson
- 1987 Sharon Ratliff
- 1986 Steven Phillip Weitzman
- 1985 Carolyn Daly
- 1984 David Bryan Rockwell
- 1983 Leo Warneke
- 1982 Monica S. Cyrino, James A. Powell
Named in honor of Professor Charles E. Murgia, a distinguished scholar and a devoted teacher of Latin, a monetary prize to the enrolled student who performs best in the first year of Latin (may be awarded to co-winners). They are awarded annually beginning in 2018 and administered by the Department. Each May, the instructors of Latin 2 meet after final exams to discuss the best students in each class; in consultation with the Department Chair or a delegate of the Chair, one or two winners are selected.
- 2021 Marianna Daniel, Shannon White
- 2020 Sophia Marcial, Lindy Tweten
- 2019 none awarded
- 2018 Caleb Groen, Samantha Wu
Awarded by Graduate Division on the recommendation of the Department to two or three GSIs teaching in the current academic year who have demonstrated excellence in teaching in various classes.
- 2024 Maribelisa Gillespie and Claire Healy
- 2023 Jesse Obert and David Youd
- 2022 Aaron Brown and Evan Vance
- 2021 Christopher Jelen and Daniel Squire
- 2020 Erin Lam and Ryan Reynolds
- 2019 Justin Hudak and Andrew Wein
- 2018 Lynn Gallogly and Marissa Henry
- 2017 Morgan King and Kelsey Turbeville
- 2016 Christopher Adams and John Lanier
- 2015 Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, Kevin Moch
- 2014 Rachel Lesser, Randall Souza
- 2013 Derin McLeod, Sarah Olsen, Elizabeth Wueste
- 2012 Virginia Lewis, Anna Pisarello, Naomi Weiss
- 2011 David J. DeVore, Joel Morris Rygorsky, Daniel Walin
- 2010 Tiernan Doyle, Thomas Hendrickson, Jared Hudson
- 2009 David Crane, Athena Kirk, Timothy Pepper (also awarded a Teaching Effectiveness Prize), Jason M. Schlude
- 2008 Elias Avinger, Christopher Churchill, Margaret Foster
- 2007 David Goldstein, David Jacobson, Antonia Young
- 2006 Curtis Dozier, Kurt Lampe, Lauri Reitzammer
- 2005 Jorge José Bravo, Corinne Crawford, William Michael Short
- 2003 Jonathan Pratt, Han Tran
- 2002 Yelena Baraz, Jonathan Ready, Sonia Sabnis
- 2001 Matt Pincus, Enrica Sciarrino, Antonia Syson
- 2000 Elizabeth Baughan, Edan Dekel, Patricia Slatin
- 1999 James Ker, Dylan Sailor
- 1998 Sarah Stroup, Hakan Tell
- 1997 Chris Geissmann, Jed Parsons
- 1996 Karalee Harding, Heather Wood