Commencement 2018



The Ancient Greek & Roman Studies B.A. opens all kinds of doors for our undergraduate majors.  Recent alums (2009-) include a preschool teacher, a civil engineer, a manager at Gilt, an investment associate at a hedge fund, a high school librarian, a Ph.D. candidate in Ancient History, a senior research analyst at the Nielson Company, a Masters student of Public Health (currently interning at the Center for Disease Control), a curatorial assistant at a major collection, and a manager of administration for an NHL team.

Alumni/ae of the Classics graduate programs at UC Berkeley have many options after receiving their Ph.D.s. The following list is not comprehensive. If you have corrections or additions, please let the department know.

Recent PhDs

Joshua Benjamins (2022) — Visiting Assistant Professor, Hillsdale College

Aaron Brown (2022) — Visiting Assistant Professor, St. Norbert College

David Crane Associate Professor, Grand Valley State University

Sasha-Mae Eccleston (2014)Assistant Professor, Brown University

Daniel Esses - Attorney; Judicial Law Clerk, Supreme Court of California

Seth Estrin Assistant Professor, Harvard University

Lynn Gallogly (2019)

Marissa Henry (2022) — Visiting Assistant Professor, Tulane University

Jared Hudson — Associate Professor, Harvard University

Morgan E. Hunter

Christopher Jelen (2023)

Dylan Kenny (2023) — Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati

Morgan King (2019) — Visiting Assistant Professor, Williams College

Athena Kirk Associate Professor, Cornell University

Erin Lam (2022) — Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Santa Barbara

Rachel Lesser (2015)Associate Professor, Gettysburg College

Virginia Lewis (2014) — Associate Professor, Florida State University

Mark McClay (2018) — Assistant Professor, Hillsdale College

Kevin Moch (2019) — Web Infrastructure Engineer at Quizlet

Sarah Olsen (2016)Associate Professor, Williams College

Esther Ramer (2021) — Accommodations Coordinator, Cal Housing Assignments, UC Berkeley

Dan Squire (2022)

Joel Street (2015) — Latin Teacher, Department of World Languages, Bentley School

Kelsey Turbeville (2019) — User Experience Writer at UserTesting

Christopher Waldo (2019) — Assistant Professor, University of Washington

Andrew Wein (2022) — Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh

Naomi Weiss (2014) — Professor, Harvard University

Elizabeth Wueste (2016)Assistant Professor of Archaeology and Classics, American University of Rome

Michael Zellmann-Rohrer (2016) — Postdoctoral Researcher, Freie Universität Berlin


Earlier PhDs  (a partial list)

Sara Abdel-Rappe – Prof., U. of Michigan

Benjamin Acosta-Hughes – Prof., Ohio State U.

James Andrews – Assoc. Prof., Ohio U.

Nathan Arrington — Assoc. Prof., Princeton U.

James Astorga – Marlborough School, Los Angeles

Hayden Ausland – Prof., U. Montana

Yelena Baraz — Prof., Princeton U.

Shadi Bartsch – Prof., U. of Chicago

William Batstone – Prof., Ohio State U.

Elizabeth Baughan — Associate Professor, U. of Richmond, Virginia

Stephen Beall – Assoc. Prof., Marquette U.

Ruby Blondell – Prof., U. Washington

Joan Burton – Director of the Federal Semester Program and the Director of the Individual Studies Program, U. Maryland

David Chamberlain – Instructor, U. of Oregon

Thomas Chance – Lecturer, UC Davis

Rali Christo – Lecturer, St. Mary's College (Moraga)

James Clauss – Prof., U. Washington

Randall Colaizzi – Lecturer, MIT and U. of Mass, Boston

Erwin Cook – Prof., Trinity U. San Antonio

Anthony Corbeill – Prof., U. of Virginia

Joshua Davies — Associate Professor, U. of Tennessee, Chattanooga

Edan Dekel – Chair and Professor of Classics, Chair of Jewish Studies, Williams College

Carolyn Dewald – Prof., Bard College

Elizabeth Ditmars – Recently retired, The Bentley School, Berkeley

Curtis Dozier (2008) — Assistant Prof., Vassar College

Stephen Epstein – Assoc. Prof., Director of the Asian Studies Institute, Victoria U., New Zealand

Andrew Feldherr – Prof., Princeton U.

Margaret Foster — Assoc. Prof., U. of Michigan

Helena Fracchia – Prof., U. of Alberta

Catherine R. Fries – Prof. Emerita, Millsaps College

Catherine Gilhuly – Prof., Wellesley College

Maud Gleason – Lecturer, Stanford U.

Barbara Goff – Prof., U. of Reading

David Goldstein (2010) — Prof. of Linguistics, UCLA

Erik Gunderson – Prof., U. of Toronto

Robert Gurval – Prof. of Classics, UCLA

Karalee Strieby Harding – Designer, Ravelry

David Jacobson (2004) — Latin Teacher, Convent & Stuart Hall, Schools of the Sacred Heart

Mary Jaeger – Prof., U. of Oregon

Nicholas F. Jones – Prof., U. of Pittsburgh

Deborah Kamen – Assoc. Prof., U. of Washington

Andrew A. Kelly – Fellow, U. of Melbourne

James Ker – Assoc. Prof., U. of Pennsylvania

Darcy Krasne (2011) — Lecturer, Columbia U.

Kurt Lampe – Lecturer, U. of Bristol (UK)

Mark Landon – Vis. Asst. Prof., Mount Holyoke College

Kenneth S. Lapatin – Curator of Antiquities, J. Paul Getty Museum

Floyd L. Moreland - Professor Emeritus, CUNY Graduate Center

Kathryn Morgan – Prof., UCLA

Melissa Mueller – Prof., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst

Trevor Murphy – Assoc. Prof., UC Berkeley

Andrea Nightingale – Prof., Stanford U.

Nandini Pandey (2011) — Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins U.

Jed Parsons – Engineer (International Team), Square

Miriam Pelikan – Assoc. Prof., Hanover College

Matthew Pincus – Attorney, Debevoise & Plimpton

Jonathan Pratt

Chris Ratté – Prof., U. of Michigan

Jonathan Ready – Prof., U. of Michigan

Lauri Reitzammer (2006) — Associate Prof., U.of Colorado

Gretchen Reydams-Schils – Prof., Notre Dame U.

Andrew Riggsby – Prof., U. of Texas at Austin

Bradley Ritter — Associate Professor of Classics and History, Ave Maria U., Florida

Walter Roberts (2006) — Founder and Director, Detroit Greek and Latin Educational Foundation

Barbara Saylor Rodgers – Prof., U. of Vermont

Felipe Rojas Silva (2010) — Associate Prof. of Archaeology and the Ancient World and Egyptology and Assyriology, Brown U.

Matthew Roller – Prof., Johns Hopkins U.

John Rundin – Lecturer, UC Davis

Sonia Sabnis – Assoc. Prof., Reed College

Dylan Sailor – Prof., UC Berkeley

David Schenker – Assoc. Prof., U. of Missouri

Enrica Sciarrino – Senior Lecturer, U. of Canterbury, New Zealand

Will Shearin (2007) — Associate Prof. U. of Miami

William Short (2007) — Lecturer, U. of Exeter

Allan Silverman – Prof., Ohio State U.

Christopher Simon – Director, HR Compliance, Office of the President, U. of California

Neel Smith – Assoc. Prof., Holy Cross

Deborah Steiner – Prof., Columbia U.

Sarah Stroup – Prof., U. of Washington

Elizabeth Sutherland – Assoc. Prof., U. of Tennessee

Yasmin Syed – Lecturer, UC Berkeley

Antonia Syson — Associate Prof., Purdue U.

Håkan Tell – Assoc. Prof., Dartmouth College

Garth Tissol – Prof., Emory U.

Han Tran — Lecturer, U. of Miami

Gretchen Umholtz – Lecturer, UMass Boston

Pamela Vaughn – Prof. Emerita, SFSU

Tarik Wareh

Stephen White – Prof., U. of Texas at Austin

Malcolm Wilson – Assoc. Prof., U. of Oregon

Victoria Wohl – Prof., U. of Toronto

Kenneth Wolfe – Assoc. Prof., St. John's College (New Mexico)

Costas Yialoucas – Cyprus Ministry of Education