A Survey of the Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece
This course introduces the art and archaeology of ancient Greece from the Neolithic to the Hellenistic period (approximately 7000-150/100 BCE). By studying the surviving evidence, students will be initiated into the architecture, sculpture, ceramics, and other material products of the ancient Greeks. We will closely examine Minoan and Mycenaean palaces, famous ancient temples like the Parthenon, bronze and marble statues of gods, pots decorated with mythological and everyday-life scenes, and numerous other artifacts. We will also consider the resonances of ancient Greece in our own world - democracy, the Olympic Games, architecture, etc. - and we will critically examine some of the major issues confronting archaeologists and visitors to these ancient monuments today. One goal of the course is to get a handle on these artifacts' technical and artistic development and gain insight into the civilization(s) that produced them. Another goal is to turn us all into more informed museum visitors and consumers of information/media connected to ancient Greece.
Grading will be based on attendance, participation in class discussion(s), quizzes, and exams.
Discussion Sections
32700 • 101 • W 1:00 - 2:00 • Wheeler 30 • Instructor TBA
32701 • 102 • Th 9:00 - 10:00 • Cory 285 • Instructor TBA