
Edith Anaya Perla
HR Academic Analyst
Phone: (510) 642-3480
Office: 3413 Dwinelle Hall
Email: e_anaya26@berkeley.edu
Kristen McLeod
Graduate Advising
Phone: (510) 642-4219
Office: 3411 Dwinelle Hall
Email: kristenmcleod@berkeley.edu
Presi Diaz
Scheduling, Enrollments, Visa Processing
Phone: (510) 643-8741
Office: 3409 Dwinelle Hall
Email: diaz.mp@berkeley.edu

Cassandra Dunn
Undergraduate Advising
Phone: (510) 642-3672
Office: 7228 Dwinelle Hall
Email: cassandrajj@berkeley.edu
Cassandra Dunn is the department professional advisor for undergraduate students. She is available to answer general questions regarding our programs, community and guidance on navigating the university. She is available for advising while the campus is remote. Please see the Advising Page for more information or to schedule an appointment with Cassandra

Linda Eason
Program Administrator, Financial Services
Phone: (510) 642-1110
Office: 7233 Dwinelle Hall
Email: lindae@berkeley.edu

Jan Johnson
Department Manager
Phone: (510) 642-3485
Office: 3410 Dwinelle Hall
Email: jmj@berkeley.edu
Grant Tompkins
Backup Graduate Advisor, Websites
Phone: (510) 642-4497
Office: 3414 Dwinelle Hall
Email: grant.tompkins@berkeley.edu