This course will offer a broad overview of the art and archaeology of Greece (including architecture, sculpture, painting, metalwork, pottery etc). It will cover material from as early as the upper Paleolithic (~30,000 B.P.) and will end with the fall of Greece to the Roman Empire (~133 B.C.E.). We will look closely at the material culture of the Bronze Age (Minoan/Mycenaean), Iron Age, Archaic, Classical, and Hellenistic periods and put these objects/monuments into their historical/cultural context to gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for each period both in isolation and in conversation with one another. Whenever possible, we will also attempt to study the tools used by archaeologists (both past and present) that make these discoveries possible and problematize certain archaeological techniques that may obscure our understanding of the past.
Discussion Sections
26431 • 101 • M 9:00 - 10:00 • 24 Wheeler • Jared Petroll
26432 • 102 • M 11:00 - 12:00 • 3105 Etcheverry • Jared Petroll