Climate, Equity, & Inclusion
The Department of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies welcomes people of all backgrounds and identities to the study of ancient literature, archaeology, and history. We share a commitment to fostering an equitable and inclusive departmental climate, where people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, abilities, religions, nationalities, and people with veteran status and care-giving responsibilities can belong and feel affirmed as students and scholars of ancient Greece and Rome.
We are dedicated to an on-going and collaborative process of building a pluralist and happy working environment for students, staff, and faculty. We recognize that scholars from groups that are under-represented in our community, particularly Black scholars, face additional barriers to access and belonging and we are determined to lower these barriers. A Faculty Equity Advisor and departmental Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee lead departmental efforts to advance equity and belonging in our community.
As a department of a public university, we share in a duty to make our research and education – in ancient Greek and Roman languages and cultures, in our case – accessible and relevant to the people of California and the United States of America. We recognize that the study of ancient Greece and Rome in American society has often been exclusionary and that we must continue to engage in reparative work through our field of study. Ancient societies were heterogenous and often multicultural; they were also characterized by systems of oppression and exclusion: we aim to highlight these aspects of ancient Greece and Rome in our teaching and research.
In 2021, the department has adopted an Equity Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2031. The full Plan is available to members of the department.
In service of these goals and commitments, please find below links to resources in the department and on- and off-campus. We also welcome input on any matter regarding departmental climate; this can be directed to our Climate & Inclusion Committee, chaired by our Equity Advisor, Professor Duncan MacRae (duncanmacrae@berkeley.edu), which is dedicated to advancing our collective efforts.
Faculty Equity Advisor: the current equity advisor is Duncan MacRae. The Faculty Equity Advisor consults with the Graduate Admissions Committee to ensure equity and inclusion in the admissions and fellowships process, and serves as a resource for promoting a positive department climate by contributing to policies and practices that support equity and inclusion.
Student Services Advisor. Cassandra Dunn is the staff student services advisor and is available to both undergraduate and graduate students to discuss issues relating to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
For urgent medical or mental health concerns: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/counseling/urgent
Wellness resources: https://recalibrate.berkeley.edu
Campus offices:
- The Division of Equity and Inclusion works "to build a campus where there are no 'others'; where our diverse ethnicities and cultures, backgrounds and identities, struggles and strengths make us — the students, researchers, faculty, and staff — all the richer."
- The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) helps ensure that faculty, staff, and students are "free from discrimination and harassment on the basis of categories including race, color, national origin, gender, age and sexual orientation/identity", and also "has the specific responsibility for providing prompt and effective responses to all complaints of sex discrimination or harassment ...." Complainants should be aware that OPHD, as the campus Title IX office, cannot legally guarantee confidentiality in all matters brought to its attention.
Confidential resources:
- The campus Confidential Care Advocate (510-642-1988) provides "affirming, empowering, and confidential support for those that have experienced sexual harassment, emotional abuse, dating and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual exploitation."
- Confidential Counseling & Support, University Health Services, Tang Center (2222 Bancroft Way, 510-642-6074): "confidential counseling and assistance."
A survivor support handout from OPHD: Where To Get Support
- Local emergency and urgent care centers: https://uhs.berkeley.edu/medical/urgent-care/local-emergency-and-urgent-care-centers
- Bay Area Women Against Rape (bawar.org) (24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline, English and Spanish, 510-845-7273) "offers in-person counseling and hospital, police, and courtroom accompaniment for people impacted by sexual assault and rape."
- Crisis Text Line: connects you via text message with "a Crisis Counselor, a real-life human being trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem solving."
- East Bay Community Law Center: “Legal services and policy advocacy that are responsive to the needs of low-income communities” including immigration and housing services.
Sexual harassment and sexual violence (SHSV)
If you have experienced SHSV, you can talk to a confidential resource at the PATH to Care Center (510 642-1988). "Confidential" means that your information will not be provided to anyone else. If you need help, they can help you. If you're not sure whether to report an incident, you can talk that over with them. To report SHSV, contact the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD). You can call or email them. They are the ones who will initiate an investigation that can lead to formal or informal remedies, as appropriate. They are not a confidential resource. If you have experienced sexual violence, you can also contact the university police department (UCPD).
If you have witnessed an incident of SHSV affecting a student, or one has been reported to you, you should report it to OPHD. You can also contact PATH to Care for advice. Faculty and staff are unambiguously "responsible employees," meaning that they must report incidents affecting students. Graduate students to whom SVSH is reported (or who witness it) as a function of their employment (e.g., if their undergraduate student or research assistant reports it to them as their teacher or supervisor, or as a more senior member of the academic community), are also responsible employees and must report. If you're not sure whether an incident qualifies as reportable, call OPHD or PATH to Care and ask.
Students of concern
If you're worried about a student, this site has a long list of resources, depending on the nature of the concern; the top suggestion is contacting the Students of Concern Committee, a centralized reporting site for concerns. They will reach out to students as appropriate.
Academic misconduct
If you're an instructor and a case of possible academic misconduct has come to your attention, report it to the Center for Student Conduct. They have an online form. You can meet with the student and fill the form out at that time, or do it separately.
Collegiality issues with department members
Issues that come up between members of the department can often be resolved locally, through consultation with the department chair, the GSI advisor, or simply a trusted faculty member or staff person. Beyond the department, offices exist to assist with conflict resolution and other issues. Students can reach out to any of the following (among others):
- Ombuds Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees
- Division of Student Affairs social justice and diversity resources
- ASUC Student Advocate office
- Tang Center Counseling resources
- Restorative Justice Center
The Staff Ombuds Office is a dedicated resource just for staff; both staff and faculty can contact the Employee Assistance Program at the Tang Center. Faculty can also reach out to the Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare or to one of the faculty Ombudspeople who serve this function for the Academic Senate.