This course introduces the history, literature, and culture of Archaic and Classical Greece. We will read a large selection of important literary works in translation, from the epic poems of Homer and Hesiod to Aristophanes’ comedies and Plato’s dialogues. Each week, we will investigate a different aspect of Greek civilization through lecture and discussion. The topics will include mythology, history, gender, and philosophy, among others. By the end of the summer session, students will have a firm understanding of the key historical events, literary motifs, and cultural practices that defined Greekness in the ancient Mediterranean. We will also practice using primary sources in our writing to present our interpretations convincingly and effectively. At the same time, we will probe what ancient Greece means for us today and reflect on how the ancients dealt with the complexities of our shared human experience.
This course fulfills the College of Letters and Science’s breadth requirements in Arts and Literature, Historical Studies, and Philosophy and Values.