Give to DAGRS
Your support is vital to the Department of Ancient Greek & Roman Studies. Help us bring the ancient world to life for undergraduates, graduate students, and the general public!
How to Donate
You can donate online.
To donate by mail, please make your check out to "UC Berkeley Foundation" and designate Ancient Greek and Roman Studies or the fund name in the memo line. Kindly include our mail-in donation form to ensure your gift is properly credited.
Send to:
Gift Services
University of California, Berkeley
1995 University Avenue, Suite 400
Berkeley, CA 94704-1070
Your Gifts at Work
Gifts from our generous donors help us:
- support our graduate students
- fund travel and study abroad for undergraduate and graduate students
- support our internationally renowned research centers (Center for Tebtunis Papyri, Nemea Center for Classical Archaeology, Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy)
- support Berkeley excavations (at Nemea, Mycenae, Pompeii, and elsewhere)
A Giving Opportunity: The Crawford H. Greenewalt, Jr. Graduate Student Support Fund in Classics
This fund was established at the time of Professor Greenewalt's retirement and was endowed by an anonymous donation of $10,000 with $10,000 of matching funds from the Chancellor. The interest from the fund will help support graduate students in Classics. To honor the memory of Greenie, all are invited to contribute to increase this endowment to ensure that this fund has a larger impact on future support. To donate to the fund, please follow the instructions above for gifts by mail and indicate "Greenewalt Graduate Student Support Fund" on the donation form.
Please contact lsgiving@berkeley.edu with any questions about giving to Ancient Greek and Roman Studies.